Dandelion Launchers Units 16-20 (10 books) ‘The Itch’
Phonic Books UK
Phonic Books Dandelion Launchers Units 16-20 The Itch (two syllable suffixes -ed and -ing and spelling ) comprises ten books and is aimed at children in Reception to Year 2.
Each book introduces adjacent consonants (consonant diagraphs).
Two books in each unit provide practice while offering different stories.
Each unit introduces new letters/sounds while supporting previously taught phonic letters/sounds and high-frequency words.
Unit 16a: The Itch
Unit 16b: The Ditch
Unit 17a: The Sandpit
Unit 17b: The Muffin Shop
Unit 18a: Stranded
Unit 18b: Stan Is Shocked
Unit 19a: Thinking of a Gift
Unit 19b: Swimming
Unit 20a: Cuddles
Unit 20b: A Muddle in the Middle.
$60 $45
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Prod. Code: DL5DK