Get out of the Game (12 books)

Phonic Books UK

Get Out of the Game focuses on adjacent consonants and consonant digraphs, suffixes -ed and -ing.

After being pulled into his VR game, Gus learns that there is no way out unless he continues to play. To escape, Gus has to befriend the other players, form a team and work together. This action-packed quest story takes the reader from CVC and CVCC word text through to adjacent consonants, consonant digraphs and suffixes -ed and -ing.

Book 1: Zap! (CVC, CVCC)
Book 2: Bugs! (CVCC)
Book 3: Bats in the Mist (CVCC)
Book 4: Filled Up (CCVC and -ed)
Book 5: Must Drink (CCVCC)
Book 6: Glitch (‘ch’ and ‘tch’)
Book 7: Crash and Bash (‘sh’)
Book 8: Find the Path (‘th’)
Book 9: Run, Quick! Rats! (‘ck’ and ‘qu’)
Book 10: Wings, Kings and Fangs (‘ng’)
Book 11: What’s Going On? (‘wh’ and -ing)
Book 12: The Last Puzzle (‘le’)

This series shares the same phonic progression as Magic Belt, That Dog!, Mel on Mars. The series can be used either independently or in parallel with these series.


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